Firsthand Experience - WBN


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Monday 30 September 2024

Firsthand Experience

 "The fool learns from firsthand experience. The wiseman learns from the experience of his elders."
Beatrix Pamlet is my OC.

Extra tags: nsfw, action, quest, orc, knight, elf, mage, human, swordsman, breast_squeeze, handjob, missionary, vaginal_creampie


An orcess was instructing a pair of rookie adventurers, correcting postures in preparation for their first expedition. Her silver hair was tied into a ponytail, her dark green skin rippling with muscular physique. Her shield, although weathered, was polished to a sheen, and her mace showed very few signs of wear aside from scuffs on the spikes.

Meanwhile, the adventures were adoptive brothers. Juston, an elf fire mage, and Syron, a human swordsman. Both wanted to prove superiority over the other. Beatrix hoped they'd learn quicker than some of the other siblings she'd tutored.

"Sorry to tell you Syron, but that sword is far too large for use in a cave."
"Does it really matter that much?" He asked.

"Yes. The adventurer's life is one that is constantly in danger. You use the tools suited for the job. Not the tools you want to use." Beatrix advised the youngster.

"Miss Beatrix?" Juston began "I was so excited beforehand, but now I... I can't stop shaking..."
The human sighed aloud "Oh, stop being such a-"

"Shut up." Beatrix told Syron, with such authority that he clamped up at once. Then she turned to Juston "We're all scared the first time, however well-or badly-we hide it. Just keep focused on what you know, and stick to the basics when things get hairy; stay calm, find cover and return fire. Do that, and we'll all get out in one piece. Okay?"

"O-okay..." Juston wouldn't sound all that confident to most, but Beatrix heard the newly steeled resolve in his shaky voice.

Beatrix clapped her hands "Okay, double check that we've got all of our supplies. Healing potions?"






"All set then. Syron, why are you still bringing that oversized hunk of metal inside with us?"

"Oh, it'll be fine! Don't get your hair in such a knot..." he rolled his eyes. 

Beatrix furrowed her brow-this hubris was an obvious flaw, but she knew she wouldn't be able to correct it out here "Fine... let's get in there, then."

The cave was damp, but the torches smelled recently extinguished. Beatrix led the way, shield held aloft "Keep your eyes open. Never know when there's a trap or ambush waiting for you."

"In this cramped space? I doubt they could fit." Syron was clearly agitated by the slow pace. Beatrix gave no answer.

They came up to an opening that led to a massive chamber. Juston gagged audibly, and Beatrix couldn't even scold him. Dozens of bodies were before them, all piled up into a mass grave. The smell of rotting flesh alone was awful.

"Wha... why couldn't we smell it in the tunnel?" Syron asked.

"Look up." Beatrix answered shortly. Above them was an opening to the sky, allowing the smell to escape.

"It's ho-horr-Ugh..." Juston stammered to get his words out, only succeeding when he pinched his nose "Shouldn't we... burn them or something?"

Syron replied before Beatrix could "That'll just attract more people to this cave. Worse, the smoke might suffocate the forest."

The orcess continued "Besides, we still have the element of surprise on the necromancer in here. Let's keep it. I'll tell the guards to burn the bodies once we're done."

"How can you say that so... casually?" Juston asked, sounding a mix of awestruck and worried.
"It comes with experience. You see the worst kinds of people in this line of work. That why so many rookies give it up." Beatrix replied. "Now, let's go. Before one of you lose your lunch."

The next tunnel was less damp, and still had lit torches along the walls. Though they weren't spaced out correctly-there was far too much space between them. The three adventurers walked forwards, briefly enjoying the heat from the torches before stepping into the darkness.

A rattling suddenly came from the left. Beatrix's shield was up at once as she shouted "Ambush!"

A loud crash echoed down the hallway as Beatrix blocked the skeleton's attempted attack, before she swung her mace and destroyed it. A torch next to them lit up brightly; they were surrounded by the reanimated bones on every side.

Juston conjured a circle of fire around them, but it petered out "Fuck!"

"Basics, Juston! Syron, get behind me!" Beatrix raised her shield just in time to block another skeleton's swing. Her mace swung downwards and the skeleton's skull was shattered across the floor.

"I'm doing fine! I don't-Uhn?!" Syron's sword caught on the roof of the cave. As he struggled to pry it loose, a skeleton charged him over, shield first. It raised it's sword, ready to kill the human-

Juston thrust his hands forth and a firebolt shot from them, knocking the skeleton's weapon from it's grasp a mere second before it finished off his brother. Beatrix charged into the skeleton and roared a battle cry, drawing all of the skeletons closing in onto herself.

"Juston, give me some cover!" Beatrix's mace swung upwards and the skeleton was strewn across the room. "Syron, grab one of the skeleton's weapons!"

But Syron didn't listen, instead opting to try to pull his own sword out of the ceiling. Beatrix gritted her teeth as she was surrounded by the things.

"Lady Pamlet, hit this!" Juston shouted, throwing a fireball at her. She swung at it with her mace and it exploded, blasting back all the nearby skeletons. Juston then blasted a stream of fire down the hallway, keeping all the skeletons down it at bay.

"Good! Keep that up-I'll deal with the skeletons on the other end!" Beatrix told him. She charged into the other skeletons shield-first and started swinging. Without the flank to worry about, Beatrix's swings were measured, quick, and strong. And soon, not a single skeleton stood against her.

Juston's spell cut out as he ran out of energy to keep it up any longer. Beatrix let out a battle cry that echoed down the hallway, and the skeletons were thrown off balance enough that Juston could launch a fireball into their midst. It exploded with enough force that Beatrix had to shield her eyes from the intense heatwave. The orc and the fire mage, both panting, nodded at each other.

Meanwhile, Syron was still attempting to pull his sword loose from a crack in the cave ceiling. With an exasperated sigh, Beatrix pulled him away from it by the scruff of his neck. 

"Now do you believe me when I tell you that sword is too large?" The lady-at-arms had a lot of practice with keeping her frustrations in check, but this arrogant kid was testing even her patience.

"I... I just thought that I could make it work..." Syron whimpered.

"You can't. Now grab one of the swords from the skeletons, or go and wait for us in the inn I found you." the orcess told him sternly.

"Yes, ma'am..." Syron replied, taking a shorter sword from a fallen skeleton and getting behind her.
The next room they came to was far larger than the last one, with a large rune-sealed door at the other side. But the weird part was the blue crystals scattered around the room, affixed to the floor. One of them was crackling with lightning, the others stood latent.

"I've read about this! In short, if we connect the crystals to one another, the lightning energy will shatter all of them and break the rune." Juston explained.

Syron asked "And how do we connect them if they're stuck in place?"

"Not literally. You see that one crystal already glowing with lightning? Hit that and the storm energy'll transfer to you. From there, you just hit the rest of the crystals one after another."

Another characteristic rattle of bones sounded all around the room. More skeletons. Beatrix took charge; "Syron, get those crystals charged! Juston, cover me!"

The human's shoulders shrugged "Why the hell do I have to-"

"Not the time for debate!" Beatrix shouted at him, blocking a skeleton's attack.

Juston threw a ball of smoke in front of the skeletons, blinding some of them. The fire mage cursed his bad aim, while Beatrix backed up and let them stagger their way to her-

To her horror, Syron charged into the skeletons sword first, impaling two of them... to no effect whatsoever. Beatrix jumped in front of him and barely blocked a skeleton's mace in time.

"SYRON!" Juston roared, with more outrage than Beatrix thought him capable of "Get those crystals charged, or I swear to Ignis I'm gonna shove that sword up your ass and spitroast you!"

Beatrix smacked Syron back with her shield and took the brunt of the skeleton's attacks. "Crystals! NOW!" She told him plainly.

Juston channeled a spell on Beatrix that centred a small explosion on her, forcing back some of the attackers. Beatrix took the second she had to look, and saw that Syron was indeed charging the crystals. The orcess span around and swung her mace, cleaving the head off one of the bonebags. Then the room surged with storm energy and all of the skeletons toppled.

Syron raised his arms, as if expecting praise of some kind. Beatrix marched over to him, then slapped him upside the head and whispered angrily "That's twice your incompetence has nearly gotten us killed."

The swordsman stammered "B-but I just-"

"No buts!" Beatrix gritted her teeth "Last chance. You disobey me one more time, I'm gonna break your legs, and your days of adventuring will be over before they've begun."

"...yes, ma'am."

"With that in mind; why the hell did you run them through? You go for killing blows with skeletons because they don't feel pain." Beatrix instructed him.

"I... wasn't aware." Syron answered, sheepishly.

"Not awa-I told you 5 times they don't feel pain!" Juston's voice was hoarse from all the spellcasting, and he drank from the flask of water he'd brought.

Beatrix rolled her eyes "Your job now is to guard your brother. You can block the hits he can't. Unless the only thing you bothered learning was "charge in and hope for the best"."

Syron looked upset at her comment, but didn't reply other than giving a nod.

They headed out of the room, the rune-sealed door having collapsed. The chamber before them was laid out with two sets of stairs leading up to an altar. Atop the altar was-

"The necromancer?" Juston asked.

Beatrix nodded, thinking about the best way to get the drop on him-

Syron shouted "Hey, asshole!"

Beatrix wheeled around to Syron, glaring daggers at him. His face collapsed into apology.

The necromancer spoke aloud "Well, it would seem that the flies have-"

Beatrix interrupted, turning around to face him "I have heard your "power beyond my comprehension" speech more times than you have fingers among your army, so can we just skip it?"

The necromancer looked stunned, but recovered his smugness "Feisty. Good-you'll make an excellent addition to that army. Minions! Rise and destroy them!"

The skeletons were all at the top, and they came charging down. The necromancer also charged up a spell; the floor below them began glowing green-

"Up the stairs! GO!" Beatrix shouted. "Carve our way through the skeletons!"

Juston raised his hand to the ceiling and closed it-both Beatrix and Syron's weapons began glowing golden, and hit their enemies with the force of the sun. Beatrix smiled as she smashed her way through them, leaving stray bones littering the floor.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Syron asked, cleaving through two skeletons, aiming his strikes for the head.

"I can only do it once before I need a nap!" Came the answer.

The necromancer, not to be defeated so easily, assembled a barrier of bones from the fallen skeletons. The necrotic energy from the ground floor rose up the stairs behind them. Beatrix raised her shield and charged, blasting directly through the bone wall with a shout. Syron and Juston ran behind her, blasting their way through more skeletons as they emerged from the other side.

They were halfway to the top now. The necromancer formed a boulder of bones and sent it careening down their side of the stairs. But all three of them knew what to do, and leapt to the other side. The necromancer had run out of spare skeletons now, and the remaining ones didn't last very long against the assault of the three adventurers. Once they reached the altar, they formed a triangle in front of him, giving him no way to escape.

"Surrender, asshole. It's over!" Syron told him.

"That's what you think?" The necromancer asked, smirking. He then blasted all of them backwards and began gathering energy in his palms. 

The stench of rot surrounded him, leaving them unable to get close. Beatrix charged at him, but was repulsed by a blast of necrotic energy. Her mind raced as she tried to think of what she could do-

"DIE!" The necromancer shouted letting loose a blast of necrotic energy that slowly filled the room. Beatrix wasn't expecting this. Had she led these two rookies to their doom?

Juston shouted "I have an idea! Rally to me!" As soon as they did, the fire mage slammed his fist into the ground, creating a dome of fire that burned the necromancer's spell on contact. Then he thrust his hands wide and the dome burst out, burning away all of the poisoned air.

"That was inspired, Juston!" Beatrix told him.

"Thanks! But... where did the necromancer go?" Juston asked.

Juston was right-the necromancer had vanished. There was a chest filled with the spoils of the necromancer's conquests, but nothing else.

Syron answered "Probably ran off. Too scared to face us."

Beatrix corrected him "We already wiped out his army, and survived the strongest spell he had. He knows he had no chance without them, so he did the smart thing."

Syron asked the next question "Who's carrying the chest?"

Juston jokingly answered "Nose goes?"

Beatrix chuckled that people were still doing that. "No, it's far too big to carry all at once. Open it up and we'll grab everything we can. Even if we have no use for something, we can sell it."

It took a lot of time for them to cram all they could into their sacks, and it felt like an even longer trek back through the cave to the nearest town. But after the profit they turned, neither of the two brothers seemed too bothered about that. It was Beatrix's suggestion that they celebrate at the local inn, and they were regaled as adventurers. Beatrix smiled widely-it was this part of the job she loved the most.

It was later on, after the buzz had died down and it was just the three of them sitting alone at a table, that Beatrix decided to make her move: "I think I'm going to turn in for the night. It's such a shame that I won't have any company~"

Both brothers gasped, looking at her. Syron was the first to speak, jumping to his feet with eagerness "Please pick me, Lady Pamlet!"

Beatrix fixed him with a stare that made him visibly recoil and sit back down "...You disregarded my advice and commands multiple times, nearly getting both yourself and your brother killed each time. If the near death experiences haven't taught you anything, maybe a more personal punishment will. I have nothing else to say to someone unwilling to listen."

Syron's face spoke of utter heartbreak, but Beatrix knew she was doing the right thing. Encouraging his behaviour, stoking his ego, would only get him killed faster. 

She gently lifted up Juston's chin. "Juston... I couldn't see anything wrong with your skills down there. Sure, your aim could use some pointers, but you'll get a feel for that. Along with a feel of something else, if you muster the courage to ask~"

The elf swallowed, and spoke with a throat that sounded dry as sand "Lady Pamlet... may I p-please join you in bed?"

"Yes, you may~" Beatrix took his hand and led him upstairs to her room.

The room was simple, but clean and cozy looking. The only decoration was a large map, depicting the Great River's flow through Bayl. It took mere seconds for Beatrix to shed her armour. Her scarred skin relaxed without the weight and she let out a comforted sigh. Juston took far longer, his worry on full display. 

Beatrix smiled warmly "You needn't worry, Juston. We all get stage fright~"

"I'm j-j-just worried that you'll see it and... laugh or something..."

"I promise not to laugh." Beatrix told him at once.

With that, Juston's resolve hardened and he hoisted his robes over his head in one swift motion. He still covered his crotch, but Beatrix could see that his physique was built better than she assumed. She looked him up and down, filling his cheeks with red. Meanwhile, his gaze was affixed to her chest. She waited, knowing her patience would bear fruit.

"Lady Pamlet-"

"Just Beatrix, love~"

"B-Beatrix... Can I please squeeze your breasts?"

"Haha... Can I stroke your manhood as you do?~"

Juston let his hands fall away from his crotch as he walked to the orc, hands raising and cupping her boobs. Beatrix's hand dove downwards and wrapped around his cock in answer. His cute gasp of pleasure made her heart jump a little.

He was half-mast already, and the orc's hand stroked gently. His hand were eager; squeezing her boobs. His mouth was agape, and it was clear he was wondering if he was dreaming. She placed her other hand behind his head and pulled his mouth onto her breast. His eyes went a little wider, but then he began sucking deeply.

"There you go..."

As Juston sucked and Beatrix stroked, the elf whimpered slightly. Beatrix brought him over to the bed, not breaking step at all, before sitting on it. Feeling his tongue licking at her nipple, his hands eagerly exploring her muscled body... this was precisely why she preferred rookies.

Juston pulled back, taking deep breaths. "I... I think I'm ready..."

Beatrix had know he was ready for the past few minutes, judging from how hard he was. She lay on the bed and spread her pink pussy lips. "You put it here, love."

Juston swallowed nervously, but positioned his hardness at her entrance. His cockhead was rapidly soaked by her juices as he began to push inside her. His hands groped her tits hard, and her own hands guided his hips into her.

Then, at all once, Beatrix felt him push in. He let out a cute moan, his fingers curling tightly. Beatrix took one of his hands off of her tits and placed it on her shoulder. "For stability~" she winked at him.

Juston immediately began fucking the orcess deep and hard. Once upon a time, such eagerness would have made her think she was ugly; now it was just part of the fun. She rested her hands above her head and looked up at him, smiling as his face turned towards her freely bouncing tits.

Then Juston moaned aloud, thrusting fully into Beatrix's pussy and cumming. After a few seconds, when the orgasm high wore off, he looked mortified.

"Oh, Gods! I-I'm really sorry. It's my first time and all and I just-Mmmmph?!"

But the rest of his sentence was cut off as Beatrix pulled his head into her tits. The orc hugged him tightly, her legs wrapping around his waist. "Shhhh... don't worry. You're young-you'll get better~"

"Mmmmmph~" He let himself sink into her chest, hugging her back.

"Mmmm... Now, make sure you rest up, ready for tomorrow." Beatrix told him, pulling the covers over them both. "That was just the first of many dungeon dives you'll be going on. Just bear in mind you'll be eating me out first thing tomorrow, to make up for that~"

Juston's only response was to nod a couple of times before he fell still, his face nestled between her breasts.

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